Balabuszko, Joe – Enhancing Your Art with Metal Leaf
Two leaves of 5 ½” x 5 ½” imitation gold, Aluminum, and Variegated metal leaf, for each
Gold size as needed, each student will receive their own jar.
Supplies we’ll use (either the art center’s, or you may bring your own):
Supplies students must bring:
Acrylic paint in your favorite colors
Watercolor paper, hot or cold press. No larger than 9 X 12 (The watercolor paper will
provide a larger area to experiment with paint and metal leaf colors)
Synthetic brushes – rounds and flats
Gloss paper magazine, for palleting, and as a pad for cutting leaf
Folding knife, approximately a three and a quarter inch blade. Suggested brands are
Case, Buck, and Opinel. The Opinel is from France (find one at a good bargain price
Two small jars, 1 for soapy water, 1 for rinse water.
Suggested items to gild;
A 3D item no taller than 3 inches maximum.
A leaf from a house plant
Existing artwork needing enhancement
Additional sheets of metal leaf @ $2.00 each
Pure 23K gold will be available for $4.00 per 3 3/8” sheet (standard size for gold leaf