Dingler, Fred – Painting with Gouache

I have worked with Gouache for 40 years.  Gouache is an opaque cousin of watercolor.  Watercolor is a stain and Gouache is paint

There are many brands of paint. My favorite is Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache

To work in black and white, students can start with Titanium White and Ivory Black

Add color with this palette: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red Light, and Ultramarine Blue. (Great way to learn to mix color)

Or start with any colors, student’s choice

Brushes for gouache are the same as watercolor brushes.  Good brushes are a must.  Rounds and Flats.  Not bristle brushes

Plastic palette or ordinary dinner plate

Water container

Pencils and erasers

Best surface is Illustration Board.   Watercolor paper is ok (not hot press)