Kath, Cynthia – Pastels

  • Bring whatever pastels you already have. A NuPastels set of 96 is best for a full range of color (also available at Michaels and other art supply stores). Cynthia will bring a small assortment of hard Nu-pastels to try if you already have a different style or choose to purchase a smaller set to start.
  • Bring a notebook.
  • Bring UArt sanded paper #400 or #500 9×12 or 11×14. Here is a link to a 9×12 Pad is available online.
  • Please bring a board to attach your paper to and Artists tape. (Art Center will have some boards available for the workshop if you don’t have anything.)
  • Glassine or Freezer paper will protect your finished artwork.
  • Bring some of your own photographs (landscapes preferred) especially those that have meaning to you. It is best to work from photos that have strong contrast, both darks, and lights. Hint, usually landscapes start from about 30 feet in front of you. Cynthia will provide some images as well.

You can look forward to Cynthia sharing her knowledge so that you may discover the luminosity of this pure pigment and capture the spirit of pastels.