Materials provided in class: Three one-yard pieces of 100% pre-washed cotton Indigo permanent dye Various objects for resistance technique: wood blocks, rubber bands, stones, string, pvc piping, etc Materials to BRING: Long latex gloves Apron, or wear old clothing...
Provided: Two leaves of 5 ½” x 5 ½” imitation gold, Aluminum, and Variegated metal leaf, for each student. Gold size as needed, each student will receive their own jar. Supplies we’ll use (either the art center’s, or you may bring your own): Scissors Gloves Supplies...
Bring what you have – Suggested supplies – PAPER – 140lb cold press, pads or blocks, or cut sheets WATERCOLOR BRUSHES – 1 small round#10 or 12 1 large round bush #14 or 16 1 inch flat brush 1 rigger (optional) PAINTS: (Professional Grade tube...
Welcome to Art + Therapy with Emily Niemeyer, MA, BCaBA. I am looking forward to having you in class with me! Together, we will reflect and create as we move towards greater self understanding and freedom. This class is for you. Whether you go out and purchase...
Acrylic Paints – no iridescent colors: – Any White – Any Black – Yellow Ochre – Cadmium Yellow – Any Red – Burnt Sienna – Ultramarine Blue – Cerulean Blue – Sap or Hooker’s Green Canvases: –...