Dingler, Fred – Exploring Gouache

Watercolor paper, or Illustration Board.      Simple list for paint: white, red, yellow, blue and burnt umber.  Pallet to mix color, W/C brushes.    BRING PHOTOS TO USE AS...

Dingler, Fred – Painting with Gouache

I have worked with Gouache for 40 years.  Gouache is an opaque cousin of watercolor.  Watercolor is a stain and Gouache is paint There are many brands of paint. My favorite is Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache To work in black and white, students can start with...

Dingler, Fred – Pen and Ink and Color

Any of these papers: Hot Press watercolor paper or Illustration board, or a sketch book. Pens: Derwent Line Maker, or Staedtler Permanent Lumocolor, or Staedtler Pigment Liner, or Micron Archival Ink.  Choose any pen; all come in different nib sizes from thin to...

Allen, Julie – Underpainting and the Disappearing Purple

Note: Bring the watercolor supplies you already have. Supplies *Hair dryer (A must to expedite drying between glazes) Drawing pencil -2B Artist tape of masking tape Ruler 2 containers for water A roll of paper towels (Viva works the best) Palette (watercolor palette...