Small drawing tablet, 11 x 14T Large drawing tablet, 18 x 24 (not newsprint) Drawing board, 18 x 24 Tape (blue masking or white art) 2 drawing pencils, 2B and 4B Metal pencil sharpener Erasers: kneaded and white plastic 1 pkg. Vine charcoal, medium soft Watercolor...
Small drawing tablet, 11 x 14 Large drawing tablet, 18 x 24 (not newsprint) Drawing board, 18 x 24 $ for black paper ( approx. $4) Tape Drawing pencils, 2B, 4B, Graphite stick, soft Metal pencil sharpener Erasers, kneaded and white plastic Vine Charcoal, 1 pkg,...
1 pack Prismacolor pencils — at least 24 colors 1 14 X 17 sketchbook — NOT newsprint (white drawing paper) White plastic eraser Kneaded eraser Xacto knife Drawing board Small can for liquids Colorless marker (available where art supplies are sold) 2 sheets...
Beginning students: 12-inch to 14-inch quilt hoop A small, sharp scissors Beginning students will also need to purchase a starting kit (example is shown below) for an additional $25 + tax Experienced students: Rug hooking tools Pattern Wool And/or current...
Please bring whatever painting supplies you already have to the first class. If you need more paint, it is most satisfying and economical in the long run to buy good quality paint brands. Grumbacher, Winsor-Newton, Rembrandt and Gamblin are good brands of oil paint....