Ridgedale Center Partners in Art Program
Would you like millions of people to see your artwork?
Since 2009, the Minnetonka Center for the Arts has curated and managed Partners in Art, a program of visual art exhibits in the public spaces of Ridgedale Center, seen by millions of visitors each year. With Ridgedale’s recent renovation and expansion, the Partners in Art exhibit program has more than tripled in scale, substantially increasing opportunities for regional artists to display and sell their artwork.
The exhibit proposal should consist of (1) twelve to eighteen images of work, (2) an image list with the title, date, medium, size, and price of each artwork, (3) a cv or resume with contact information, (4) an artist’s statement about the work, and (5) information about the process or techniques used if not readily apparent. Submit proposals by email to bbowman@minnetonkaarts.org. An application may also be made by mailing materials to Minnetonka Center for the Arts, ATTN: Exhibits, 2240 Northshore Drive, Wayzata, MN, 55391. Materials will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
To purchase artwork, contact Exhibits Director, Bob Bowman (952-473-7361, x 170).
NOTE: The exhibit map will be updated for Up Close and Sculptural after the exhibit installation is completed

Up Close and Sculptural
Up Close and Sculptural Partners in Art March 5 – May 7, 2020Ridgedale Center (12401 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka, MN) Up Close and Sculptural, a curated selection of small-scale sculpture celebrating the vitality and variety of Minnesota artsits’ work, displayed in...
Ridgedale Partners in Art Map
Partners in Art is a collaboration between Ridgedale Center / Brookfield Properties and Minnetonka Center for the Arts [Ridgedale Center on Google Maps 12401 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55305] Click to experience a virtual tour of our current Partners in Art...

Ridgedale Center Partners in Art
2009 - 2019 (ongoing)Free and open to the publicPartners in Art is curated and managed by the Minnetonka Center for the Arts. Since 2009, this program has brought visual art exhibits to the public spaces at Ridgedale Center. Partners in Arts allows artwork...