summer arts camp

Welcome to the most robust summer arts program in the Twin Cities!

Over 100 different camps for 5 – 15 year olds! All classes are 3 hours. Half and full day options available.

Special sampler classes for 7 -12 year olds are available the week of July 4th.


Not ready to register? Click here to see the catalog and learn more about the program.

Group A

(Ages 5-6)

Click to Register

Group B

(Ages 7-9)

Click to Register

Group C

(Ages 10-12)

Click to Register

Group D

(Ages 13-15)

Click to Register

Samplers B+C

(Ages 7-12)

Click to Register

Please note: Registration closes at noon the day before the class start date. 

Registration policies

Ages 5 – 6: Group A (Child must be Age 5 at the start of camp week)
May register for one or two half-day classes per day, for one or up to five days a week, in one or multiple weekly sessions.

Ages 7 – 9: Group B
Ages 10 – 12: Group C
Ages 13 – 15: Group D
May register for one or two half-day classes per week in one or multiple weekly sessions through the summer.

Age Policy

All Summer Arts Camp projects are carefully developed to be age appropriate according to the Lowenfeld stages of artistic development. In order to ensure a positive and successful camp experience for everyone, there are no exceptions on placement. The age groups as defined are firm. Children must have reached the minimum age by the date of the first class. Documentation of age may be required.

Registration payment

Payment may be made online or by phone using Visa or Mastercard. If you’d like to pay by check, you may register by mail or in person at the Art Center. Register by phone: 952.473.7361, x. 160. Register by mail: 2240 North Shore Drive, Wayzata MN, 55391.

1. Register starting January 27, 2025 at Noon
Explore class descriptions and register online by age group:  Group A: Ages 5-6 | Group B: Ages 7-9 | Group C: Ages 10-12 | Group D: Ages 13-15  | Group B & C: Ages 7-12  | Group C & D: Ages 10-15

2. Complete Summer Arts Camp paperwork including the Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk. All paperwork must be completed and submitted in order to process your camp registration. It is part of the online registration process, and doesn’t need to be submitted separately. The Registrars can email a link to camper families that sign up in-person or over the phone.

Parents/Guardians: Please accompany your student to the camp check-in area on the first day of class to handle the camp check-in process.

3. Review Camp Information & Policies
Morning sessions: 9 a.m. to Noon
Lunch break: Noon to 1 p.m.
Afternoon sessions: 1 – 4 p.m.

Note: Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of camp on your camper’s first day to allow time for paperwork.

Out of respect for the adult art classes already in session, please drop off and pickup children no more than 5 minutes before or after camp. We do not have the facilities nor staff to provide supervision. Campers must be picked up promptly at the end of class. Late fees are charged at 15 minutes or more (see details below).

Pricing and Scholarships
Prices are provided with class descriptions. You’ll notice that the prices for Art Center members are 10% less than non-member prices. Having a current membership, or purchasing a $60 household membership at the time of registration, qualifies for the member discount, which is valid for all class registrations in 12 months from date of purchase. All tuition fees must be paid in full when you register. Class space will not be reserved without full payment.

Scholarships based on financial need are available for campers. Funds are limited, so please apply at least 14 days prior to the class start date. Ask the Registrar for information, 952.473.7361, x. 160, or download an application form. Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early for the greatest selection.


There will be a 10% administrative fee charged per class for all changes, transfers or cancellations.

Campers who withdraw 29 or more days prior to the class start date will receive a 100% refund, minus the administrative fee per class.

Campers who withdraw 15 to 28 days prior to the class start date will receive a 50% refund, minus the 10% administrative fee per class.

No refunds will be issued 0 to 14 days prior to the class start date.

Campers may transfer from one class to another up to 14 days prior to the class start date with a 10% administrative fee per class.

In the case of illness (physician’s note required), campers may transfer classes until the first day of class, subject to availability, with a $5 administrative fee per class. No refunds will be issued after the start of the class due to illness.

In the event the Art Center must cancel a session due to insufficient enrollment, a full refund will be issued. If a session is canceled, the Art Center will notify parents five business days before the class is scheduled to start.

The Art Center reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet the enrollment minimum of six or more campers.

Lunch and snack breaks
All classes take a 15-minute supervised snack break halfway through class. Campers participating in full-day classes take a one-hour, supervised lunch break. You may pack a bag lunch and snack for your child. Please note the Art Center Café is currently closed. Food allergies: Please notify us at least three weeks in advance if your child has special dietary issues that may affect or require the cooperation of the other campers. The Minnetonka Center for the Arts will do its best to accommodate children with allergies. As a public venue, we cannot guarantee a peanut-free facility, yet steps to control the camp program environment will be taken as needed.
Summer Arts Camp classes use high-quality arts materials for all projects. As some pigments and materials may stain, please dress your children in appropriate clothing. The Art Center is not responsible for clothing that is damaged in art classes. Children will play games outdoors during snack and lunch breaks, weather permitting. Please dress your children in appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor play (closed-toe athletic shoes are best).
Art Project Pickup
Campers are so proud of their completed artwork! Yet some ceramic and glass projects need firing and can’t be taken home until later. Instructors will provide specific pickup information. Please pickup children’s projects on time, typically three weeks after class end. We strongly recommend that you bring your child with you to help identify their project. All unclaimed items will be recycled after September 30.
Camp Instructors
Summer Arts Camp Instructors are all college graduates who are either teaching artists or art educators. Camp assistants and interns are college students currently enrolled in studio art or art education courses. Every class has an assigned instructor and many have assistants.
Late Pickup Fees
Caregivers should accompany children to and pickup from their classrooms. Please do not drop your child off more than 5 minutes before class time. At the end of class, please pickup your child promptly. A $10 per 15-minute late fee per child will be charged to parents when campers are not picked up on time after their Summer Arts Camp activities. Late fees are due at pickup. Cash, check or credit card is accepted.

  • 15 minutes late = $10
  • 15 – 30 minutes late = $20
  • 30 – 45 minutes late = $30
  • 45 – 60 minutes late = $40
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