In order to support the health and safety of our students, teachers, staff, and community, the following policies are effective January 1, 2022:
- While on campus, all students, regardless of age, must (a) wear a well-fitting mask covering the nose and mouth at all times while indoors (the “Mask Requirement”) and (b) be fully vaccinated (meaning that the student has received a COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 2 weeks since the student received the last required dose of the vaccine (the “Vaccine Requirement).
- Individuals who are unable to comply with the Mask and Vaccine Requirements may request a reasonable accommodation. To discuss potential accommodations, please contact Roxanne Heaton, Executive Director.
- Students must provide acknowledgment that they will abide by the COVID-19 Policy.
- If a student prefers to withdraw from class rather than comply with the COVID-19 Policy, a full refund with no cancellation fee will be issued as long as the request is submitted prior to the start of class.
- All students shall provide the Minnetonka Center for the Arts the following information confirming their vaccination status (“CONFIDENTIAL SELF-CERTIFICATION VACCINATION ATTESTATION”):
- Attestation that they are fully vaccinated (meaning that the student has received a COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 2 weeks since receiving the last required dose of the vaccine)
- Manufacturer of vaccine received (e.g., Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson).
- Minnetonka Center for the Arts will comply with any applicable COVID-19 CDC Guidelines regarding social distancing, and mask requirements.
- Signs shall be posted requiring all visitors to wear a well-fitting mask covering the nose and mouth at all times while indoors.
View online attestation required upon class sign up