Combs, Michele – Workshops

  • Canvas – bring a size you are comfortable with. If a beginner start small. Have 2 canvases for each day.
  • Paper/sketch book and pencil.
  • Ideas for painting – photos
  • Brushes # 2, #4, #6, and # 8 filberts/flat any combination – if buying new oil brushes I recommend Signet by Robert Simmons – for oil (sizes of brushes vary with brand look for ¼ in, ½ in, ¾ in, 1 in. It’s nice to have one small round synthetic brush for detail. For acrylics ask at the art supply store for recommendations on brands.
  • Palette knife – triangular or thin narrow for mixing and painting.
  • Paper Towels
  • Palette or Palette paper- to mix paint on (If using acrylics buy a palette with sponge bottom to help keep the paint moist)
  • Container
    • Oil Paint – Turpenoid or gamsol – (odorless turpentine) and a container to put it in. Metal can with clasps seems to work the best.
    • Acrylics – bring a large container for water.
  • Paint – Oil/acrylics
    • Titanium white
      • Cad yellow light
      • Yellow ochre
      • Cad Red Light
      • Alizarin crimson
      • Ultramarine blue
      • Cobalt blue
      • viridian green
      • transparent red oxide (Rembrandt only in this color) or burnt sienna
      • OR a similar palette!

Bring any other colors you like to paint with. This is just a basic palette. Oil – I buy Gamblin, Windsor Newton, or Rembrandt (there’s a lot of good paint) Acrylics – Golden is a nice brand. If you are a beginner – beginner kits can be cheaper. If you know this is going to be an ongoing hobby buy professional grade paint, it is more permanent.

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June 23, 2019
