Niemeyer, Emily – MCFTA Classes


Welcome to Art + Therapy with Emily Niemeyer, MA, BCaBA. I am looking forward to having
you in class with me! Together, we will reflect and create as we move towards greater self
understanding and freedom.
This class is for you. Whether you go out and purchase materials or search for supplies at
home, be mindful of what you are drawn to and what calls to you.
The only “must-haves” for our first class is a bound notebook of mixed media paper and
supplies that help you to get images onto the paper or canvas. If you have a variety of art
supplies, please bring those. If you prefer one particular medium, that works too. We will expand
and explore together throughout this course.

Suggested items for the first day of class:
-Mixed Media Pad (bound or spiral) any size.
-Paint brushes
-Pencil, Pen or both
-Notebook or journal
-Colored pencils or pastels
-Palette of any type
On the first day of class, we will discuss the different ways that we can create art for therapeutic
purposes and what supplies might be helpful for you going forward.
See you soon!

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Posted on

September 12, 2024
