Stommes, Audry – Figure and Life Drawing


Please bring 18″ x 24″ newsprint pad, hard compressed charcoal and kneaded eraser to the first day of class.

Dry Materials 

  1. Sketchbook approx. 11” x 15”
  2. Pad of 18”x24” drawing paper
  3. Pad of 18”x24” newsprint paper
  4. 2 Bulldog clips
  5. Pencils – HB, 2B, 4B
  6. Pencil Sharpener
  7. White Eraser
  8. Generals charcoal pencil Medium or Soft
  9. Compressed Charcoal Medium or Hard

Wet materials 

  1. 11” x 15” Strathmore Watercolor paper pad (12sheets)
  2. Two-quart size cups for water (large yogurt container)
  3. Small dish to put ink in
  4. Sumi ink (green bottle)
  5. Round brush the size of your pointer finger
  6. White crayon (optional)
  7. Pen nib set
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June 3, 2019
