Art Center Articles
Juried Shows Explained
What is a Juried Show? Should I enter? The Minnetonka Center for the Arts offers two versions of its Members’ Show (as an example), in alternate years. The Salon Show, in which all entries are accepted for exhibition, and the Juried Show, in which a pair of guest...

A Day at the Art Center
All-day workshops for arts educators and arts enthusiasts of all levels Wednesday, March 25, 20209:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.$120 (includes all materials) / $110 MCFTA membersAges 16 + Located just 20 mintues from the Minneapolis Convention Center, the Minnetonka...

Up Close and Sculptural
Up Close and Sculptural Partners in Art March 5 – May 7, 2020Ridgedale Center (12401 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka, MN) Up Close and Sculptural, a curated selection of small-scale sculpture celebrating the vitality and variety of Minnesota artsits’ work, displayed in...

The Art of Living with Dementia Traveling Exhibition
Interested in hosting this traveling exhibit? Contact Mara! mmiller@minnetonkaarts.org952-473-7361, x. 130 What is the dementia-friendly city initiative (DFCI)? According to the Alzheimers’s Association, a dementia-friendly community is one that is informed, safe, and...

2020 Members’ Juried Show Call
June 5 - July 1, 2020Laura H. Miles GalleryOpening Preview June 4, 6 - 8 p.m.Free and open to the public PURPOSE The 2020 Members’ Juried Show provides all members of the Minnetonka Center for the Arts an opportunity to enter their work in a professional, juried...

2020 Members’ Juried Show
June 5 - July 1, 2020Laura H. Miles GalleryOpening Preview June 4, 6 - 8 p.m.Free and open to the public The Members’ Juried Show provides current members of the Minnetonka Center for the Arts an opportunity to enter their work in a competitive juried gallery...

Art for Breakfast 2020
May 13, 20207:30 - 9 a.m. Spring Fundraiser for Minnetonka Center for the Arts At the Metropolitan Ballroom & Clubroom(5418 Wayzata Blvd, Golden Valley) Reservations available online or by calling the Registrar at 952-473-7361, x. 160.Members $20 / Non-members $25...

Juried Figure Show 2020
March 13 – May 15, 2020 (EXTENDED)Opening Preview, March 12, 2020, 6 - 8 p.m. NOTE: See our virtual exhibit belowLaura H. Miles GalleryFree and open to the public From ancient talismans to high-style portraiture, artworks depicting the human figure comprise one of the...

Juried Figure Show Call 2020
Call for Entries: Due February 5, 2020 March 13 – April 9, 2020 From ancient talismans to high-style portraiture, artworks depicting the human figure comprise one of the oldest and most enduring genres of art. This exhibition will present a juried selection of works...

Minnesota Watercolor Society Spring Exhibition
Spring Inclinations April 18 - May 15 Laura H. Miles Gallery Opening, Juror Talk & Awards April 17, 6 - 9 p.m. Free and open to the public Inclination /,inklə’nāSH(ə)n/: inclination; plural noun: inclinations 1. a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel...